Last week saw the Game Based Learning Conference, we didn’t go, but that didn’t stop us from talking about using games for learning and using gaming devices to enhance and enrich the learning process.
With Kev Hickey, Ron Mitchell and James Clay.
This is the forty-first e-Learning Stuff Podcast, We’re playing a game
Download the podcast in mp3 format: We’re playing a game
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- The Game Based Learning Conference is one of the largest events of its kind dealing with all aspects of games in learning. Building on the success of Handheld Learning and provided more depth by creating stimulating, challenging and provocative dialogue spaces at the intersection between the education, gaming, social media and consumer electronics sectors. There, policy makers, thought leaders, innovators and key practitioners met and exchanged ideas, knowledge and experiences as part of a unique ongoing conversation.
- Using computer games to support learning – The Mobile Learning Network (MoLeNET) has released a new report exploring the ways in which computer games, digital games and digital learning games can be used to enhance and support teaching and learning.
- The PlayStation Portable PSP
is a portable gaming system that uses the GO! Cam
to take photographs and video. The PSP GO!
doesn’t have a camera and can’t use the GO! Cam.
- If you need cases for your PSPs, then Gloucestershire College have been pleased with the cases from Connected.
- If you do have a PSP then you might want to consider an AV cable
to connect it to a TV or a projector to show images and video.
- If you don’t like the PSP then you may want to look at the DSi
or the new DSi XL
(the one with the bigger screen).
- Pictochat on the DSi is certainly a useful communication tool, in some ways the there are advantages it is a closed system.
- We’ve talked about screencasting before and some time ago I wrote a post about screencasting tools for Mac OS X. At this time I use Screenr a fair bit.
- The Nintendo Wii
is one console that seems to have found a place in many classrooms.
- A website created by Learning and Teaching Scotland to explore the latest games technology. Find out more about the background to learning with digital games and watch the case studies to see computer games successfully used within the classroom.
- Neverwinter Nights was used to improve key skills.
- at-Bristol in Bristol has a virtual volleyball game.
- The future of gaming includes Sony’s Eyepet for the PS3, Microsoft’s Project Natal for Xbox and rumours of a Nintendo Wii with 3D.
- Scrabble – 80% off this Easter, only £1.79
- Prince of Persia