e-Learning Stuff Podcast #004 – natives, immigrants, residents and visitors

This is the fourth e-Learning Stuff Podcast, natives, immigrants, residents and visitors.


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In this show, James is joined by Nick Jeans, Dave Foord, David Sugden and Lisa Valentine and they discuss the concept of the digital native, the digital immigrant, resident and visitor. Apologies for the poor audio quality of Nick which we’re blaming on his Skype connection.


e-Learning Stuff Podcast #004 - natives, immigrants, residents and visitors

4 thoughts on “e-Learning Stuff Podcast #004 – natives, immigrants, residents and visitors”

  1. Nice to hear you all, quality was good, even th slightly overcompressed Dave “Dale Winton” Sugden.
    Not sure Marc Prensky deserves this much discussion, I’ve always seen it as a nice throw away phrase, nothing more. I had a ZX80 and then a VIC20…

  2. interesting discussion – I think the same about the need for educators to move away from being ‘teachers of knowledge’ especially where technology is concerned: http://tinyurl.com/6b67zt

    I tend to think these definitions imply that technology in peoples lives is a one way journey that requires them to enter that ‘world’, adopt its customs, understand its language etc. whereas in reality technology is becoming increasingly simple. Thats not to say people don’t need support to make the most of it, but as one of the panel says most people don’t care whats going on under the hood – they just want it to work for them. I think more consideration to that would be useful.

    I also think that so far as the natives/immigrants definition goes there needs to be acceptance that regardless of age some people for whatever reason just can’t be bothered, and actually so long as they function as well as they need to arguably there’s a good case for supporting people to continue to thrive without having to rely on technology – just so long as they’re able to turn to it should they need it (which in my mind is more about making technology as simple as possible).

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