This section of the blog describes the blogs, presentations and workshops I have run at various events and conferences.
These descriptions may include video of the presentations, or slideshows as well as links to blog posts made during the conference.
May 2024
I attended Connect More (online).
March 2024
I presented at the HESCA annual conference.
I attended the UCISA Leadership Conference in Edinburgh.
I attended the WonkHE event, The Secret Life of Students in London.
February 2034
I went to the UUK event, Survive or thrive? Grasping the financial sustainability challenge.
I attended the PTS Smart Campus Roundtable.
November 2023
I was presenting at the Learning Spaces Scotland Conference.
I attended The Festival of Higher Education.
October 2023
I was on two panel sessions at Inspiration in Education EDUtech Europe in Amsterdam.
I delivered a keynote at The Blended Learning in Higher Education Conference.
September 2023
I went to ALT-C at the University of Warwick.
June 2023
I attended the PTS Smarter Campus Event in London.
May 2023
I ran the Jisc Intelligent Campus Community Event.
April 2023
I attended the UCISA DCG Spotlight conference, Blended learning: are we getting it right? in Leeds.
I attended the LILAC Conference in Cambridge.
March 2023
I attended the UCISA Leadership Conference in Liverpool.
I attended the WonkHE The Secret Life of Students event in London.
I went to Jisc’s Digifest in Birmingham.
December 2022
I delivered a keynote at the Moving Target Digitalisation conference in Berlin, 30th November to 2nd December.
November 2022
I was presenting at the Learning Spaces Scotland Conference on the 15th-16th November.
September 2022
I was in Dublin 14th-15th September attending an HEAnet meeting.
I attended (in-person) ALT-C 2022 in Manchester, 6th-8th September.
June 2022
I attended the 12th Learning at City Conference: Opportunities to transform the future of higher education – 29th June.
May 2022
I was on a panel session at the QMUL VLE Expo – 9th May.
I attended Connect More 2022, 4th-6th May.
March 2022
I attended the UCISA Leadership Conference in Manchester and networked with colleagues and members across the three days – 29th to 31st March.
I attended and presented at Digifest in Birmingham, 8th to 9th March.
February 2022
I presented at the PPE Webinar: Overcoming Funding Challenges in Universities on the 24th February.
I attended WonkHE’s The Secret Life of Students event on the 15th February.
I did an invited talk at the Business School at University of Exeter on the 10th February.
I presented at The Future of the Higher Education Estate 2022, on the 8th and 9th February.
September 2021
Presented at the SCONUL webinar on Blended Learning and the Shape and Design of Library Services on the 28th September.
July 2021
I presented a keynote at University of Cumbria Learning & Teaching Fest 2021 – Moving from Translation to Transformation 7th July.
June 2021
LJMU Blended Learning Conference – Moving from Translation to Transformation – 30th June.
Higher Education Westminster Forum – Driving up standard and supporting teaching excellent in remote and blended learning – 25th June.
I presented at the IHE Heads of Finance Network – Powering HE – 22nd June.
I attended Connect More 2021, 14th to 17th June.
EUNIS 21 – Learning and Teaching Reimagined: A Global Perspective – 9th to 11th June.
May 2021
I presented at the QAA Conference: How will the growth in online learning shape the future design of learning spaces and our campuses? – 13th May.
April 2021
I presented at the University Alliance Teaching and Learning Network Meeting on the 28th April.
March 2021
I co-presented a session with Advance HE – A spotlight on digital: Leading in a Digital World – Advance HE – 30th March.
I presented at the Westminster Higher Education Forum: Quality assurance in higher education March 24th.
I presented at the HEDG Spring Meeting 2021 on the 5th March.
I joined a panel at the Westminster Education Forum to deliver a session on the future use of technology in assessment.
“The future for England’s exam system – building on best practice from the 2020 series, the role of technology and ensuring qualifications equip young people with the skills to succeed post-18” on the 3rd March.
November 2020
I was part of an online panel at a QAA session- academic integrity in a digital environment, on the 13th November.
Attended the Learning and teaching reimagined, a new dawn for higher education? Webinar on the 4th November.
July 2020
On the 10th July I delivered an online keynote presentation at the University of Hertfordshire’s Teaching and Learning Conference.
June 2020
I was in a QAA Online Workshop – Maintaining quality in an online learning environment on the 18th June.
March 2020
I attended Jisc’s Digifest.
January 2020
I delivered a session at Delivering Technology Enhanced Learning Across Higher Education on the 28th January.
December 2019
I delivered a keynote at LSBU on Education 4.0.
I did a presentation for the Westminster Forum – Developing university and colleges estates – investment trends, smart and sustainable design, and the changing face of learning environments.
October 2019
On the 16th October, I presented a session at the Higher Education Conference and Exhibition
September 2019
Due to family commitments I did not ALT-C this year.
I presented the keynote at a University of Leeds Business School event for staff.
June 2019
Was in attendance at the Jisc Horizons Group Meeting on assessment.
I attended the London Higher seminar on Commuter Students in London.
I didn’t manage to get to TNC19 – Forging Digital Societies taking place in Tallinn in Estonia.
I presented at the Jisc e-Textbook Publisher Strategy Group Meeting on Education 4.0
April 2019
I chaired a panel session on the future of the university in 2030 at Networkshop 47 on the 10th April.
On the 2nd April I spoke about the Intelligent Science Park at the UKSPA conference at the University of Birmingham.
March 2019
Stepping in for a colleague I delivered the keynote at the AoC Data Science Conference in London on the 28th March 2019. I spoke about Education 4.0 and the future of education.
On the 22nd March I chaired a round table on Education 4.0 at the AdvanceHE event entitled a Brave New World, an event on how the HE sector can react to the fourth industrial revolution.
The 18th March saw me chair the Jisc Senior TEL Group Meeting at the Jisc offices in London.
I was at Jisc’s Digifest in Birmingham on the 12th and 13th March. I delivered a thought leadership session on the Intelligent Campus.
February 2019
I attended the joint Jisc and Digital Catapult IoT workshop in London on the 15th February at the Digital Catapult offices.
I was down in Exeter on the 13th February for a Digital Campus session run by Willmott Dixon where I spoke about Jisc’s work in the Intelligent Campus space. I had a delicious dinner in the student restaurant as well.
On Tuesday 12th February I delivered a short session at a Jisc TEDx style event on why I don’t like and I don’t do e-mail (much).
January 2019
The 17th January at the Oliver Thompson Lecture Theatre at City, University of London was the venue for the third of our Intelligent Campus community events. These events give people a chance to network, share practice and hear what various institutions are doing in this space. I gave an introduction to the Intelligent Campus, explaining where the project came from, what we were doing and where we intended to go. One of the things I did was to explain the difference between a smart campus and an intelligent campus.
Data Matters took place in London on the 16th January, I delivered a session on the Intelligent Campus.
November 2018
I delivered a presentation at the SW SOCITM Horizon Scanning and AGM Event on the 30th November.
September 2018
It was with a little trepidation on the 27th September I stood on the stage at the 48em ADBU Congrès to deliver a keynote on the intelligent campus and the student experience. The audience were all French library professionals attending the Congress. I delivered my presentation in English, and for those who needed it a translation service was available.
At the beginning of the month I enjoyed ALT-C in Manchester.
July 2018
I was part of the team that organised and ran a Digital Apprenticeships Community Event at Sheffield University’s Factory 2050 (part of the AMRC) on the 10th July 2018.
I delivered a briefing on the Intelligent Library on the 3rd July 2018 in Oxford as part of a wider Jisc-CNI library consultation.
June 2018
The background to the Jisc Intelligent Campus project was the basis behind my recent keynote at the CILIP UKeiG Meeting in London on the 26th June 2018.
April 2018
I organised and ran an Intelligent Campus Community Event at Glasgow University on April 10th.
March 2018
I organised and ran an Intelligent Campus Community Event at Sheffield Hallam University on March 23rd.
On the 21st March I ran a Digital Apprenticeships workshop at the FE Week’s Annual Apprenticeships Conference in Birmingham.
I attended and delivered a lightning talk on the Intelligent Campus ar Jisc Digitfest 2018 in Birminginal on the 6th and 7th March 2018. I also ran a Digital Apprenticeships workshop at the event.
February 2018
I was part of the team that organised and ran the first Digital Apprenticeships Community Event at the Jisc offices in London on the 28th February 2018.
I delivered the keynote for the ShERIF User Group on the 27th February. The event took place at CILIP Headquarters in London.
On the 22nd February 2018 I presented at the Westminster Higher Education Forum Keynote Seminar: The future of university estates – local growth, regeneration and future proofing.
I jointly ran the Jisc Digital Leaders Programme in Leicester at the second residential on the 15th/16th February 2018. Find out more.
January 2018
On the 26th January I was part of a panel discussing the Smart Campus at the BeTT Conference at the Excel Centre in London.
I jointly ran the Jisc Digital Leaders Programme in Leicester at the first residential on the 25th and 26th January 2018. Find out more.
On the 19th January I was at the Rethinking Research: Disrupting and Challenging Research Practices conference where I was presenting a mapping session. I also blogged about one of the sessions I attended.
On the 10th January 2018 I attended the ALT Learning Spaces SIG meeting at City University in London.
December 2017
I attended the ALT Online Winter Conference, 12 – 13 December 2017, which showcases some of the best Learning Technology from ALT Members from across sectors.
November 2017
I attended a University of Glasgow 5G Use Case Workshop on the 27th November.
I jointly ran the Jisc Digital Leaders Programme in Belfast Northern Ireland on two residential on the 9th/10th and 23rd/24th November 2017. Find out more.
October 2017
I delivered the final keynote of the day at the CILIPS Autumn Gathering in Galsgow on the 26th October 2017.
I attended the Jisc Experts Meeting in Birmingham on the 18th October.
I jointly delivered an Area Review Workshop in London on the 2nd October.
September 2017
I attended and delivered a session on the Intelligent Campus at the Association of Learning Technology’s Annual Conference in Liverpool from the 5th to the 7th September 2017. Here are the slides from that talk.
July 2017
On the 28th July 2017 I attended the ALT Learning Spaces SIG meeting at Sheffield University.
At the CILIP Conference in Manchester on Thursday 6th July 2017, I delivered a high level briefing session on technology, specifically looking at the library within the intelligent campus space. View my slides here.
May 2017
I jointly ran the Jisc Digital Leaders Programme across two residential on the 8th/9th May and 23rd/24th May 2017. Find out more.
April 2017
I ran an Intelligent Campus consultation event at the Jisc offices in London on the 25th April 2017.
On the 6th April I attended the AELP Engineering and Manufacturing Sector Forum at The Manufacturing Technology Centre in Coventry.
March 2017
I attended the Jisc Digifest on the 14th and 15th of March.
February 2017
I attended the Universities UK event, Degree apprenticeships: understanding the opportunities at Woburn House in London on the 28th February 2017.
On the 16th February, I went to the University of Glasgow Digital District – Discussion Event.
January 2017
On the 23rd January l I attended and presented at the AELP Construction Sector Forum in London.
November 2016
On the 23rd November 2016 I presented a seminar in this series of NetworkED events run by the LSE. My talk was on mapping teaching and learning.
On the 21st November I attended the The Social Partnerships Network and Action on Access one-day event on the theme of Re-thinking the tertiary system: The future of learning and work.
October 2016
I jointly ran the Jisc Digital Leaders Programme across two residential on the 4th/5th and 17th/18th October 2016. Find out more.
September 2016
I ran a digital capability workshop at the Association for Learning Technology Annual Conference ALT-C 2016 in Warwick which ran from the 6th – 8th September 2016. Find out more.
July 2016
On the 14th July I delivered a short presentation to the Staff Development Forum London Regional Group meeting on the Jisc work that is taking place around building digital capabilities.
June 2016
At the recent Jisc Connect more… event in London on the 28th June I facilitated a session on digital capability and introduced the topic by exploring the work we have done in this area. The session was filmed and can be watched here.
June 2016
I delivered a presentation on digital capability at the LFHE DVC/PVC with a focus on location independent working on the 23rd June 2016.
I delivered a ten minute session on digital capabilities at this inaugural meeting of the ALT West Midland Region Learning Technology Group Inaugural Meeting – 13th June 2016.
May 2016
I delivered the keynote at the UCISA event on digital capabilities in Austin Court, Birmingham as part of Spotlight on Digital Capabilities 25 May 2016 – 26 May 2016.
In a world of fast changing technologies, how do we enable staff and students to keep up with developments and apply them in relevant, effective and efficient ways? This event brings together key people working on staff and student digital capabilities in the sector, and includes speakers from outside HE to share lessons from other sectors. We will cover a range of topics, including: digital leadership, pedagogy and effectiveness, assistive technologies, digital identity, branding, scholarship.
March 2016
I delivered one of the three keynotes at LILAC. LILAC is the Librarians’ Information Literacy Annual Conference and in 2016 took place in Dublin between the 21st – 23rd March 2016.
LILAC is the Librarians’ Information Literacy Annual Conference and is a firm favourite in the calendar of information professionals. The conference is brimming with new ideas, innovative teaching techniques, inspiring speakers and exciting social events.
Alas I was ill and was unable to present at the LSE NetworkED event in London on the 9th March 2016. Hopefully this will be rescheduled for the autumn.
I was at the annual Jisc Digital Festival in Birmingham on the 2nd and 3rd of March 2016. I was presenting and running a workshop on digital capabilities.
December 2015
I presented a webinar on digital capability at the ALT Online Winter Conference and facilitating a Twitter Chat. Both sessions took place on the 10th December.
November 2015
I delivered the keynote at the Heart of Worcestershire College staff development conference on the 9th November.
October 2015
I attended and presented at the Jisc Experts Meeting in Birmingham on the 14th October 2015.
September 2015
I attended and presented at ALT-C 2015 in Manchester on the 8th to the 10th September 2015.
I delivered a workshop on: Evidencing digital capabilities: A framework for students and staff at the AGCAS Annual Conference for HE Careers and Employability Professionals at Scarman House, University of Warwick on the 2nd September.
March 2015
I attended both days of the JISC Digifest 15. on the 9th and 10th March.
We’re pleased to announce that registration for the Jisc Digital Festival 2015 (#digifest15) is now open.
After the success of last year’s festival, Jisc Digital Festival returns for 2015 on the theme of ‘connect more’, bringing people together through digital technology across UK education and research to position the UK at the forefront of international practice.
The event will showcase the very best in UK digital talent, including MOOC pioneer Simon Nelson, chief executive of FutureLearn, who has been announced as the first of our keynote speakers.
Also at the festival will be the Jisc Fab Lab, which will showcase the latest advancements in digital technologies through a series of live talks and demonstrations.
January 2015
I attended BETT 2015 on Thursday 22nd January. Merging the Distance
December 2014
I presented at ALT’s CPD Rebooted – Creative Professional Development in Learning Technology event in Edinburgh on the December 2nd 2014. I spoke and discussed the use of Oculus Rift and VR tech for CPD and learning.
The ALT winter conference #altc, is taking place on Tuesday 2 December at the Informatics Forum, University of Edinburgh, UK. This first winter conference will have a focus on creative approaches to professional development in Learning Technology and CMALT, ALT’s peer-based accreditation scheme and feature a hands-on new technology showcase.
October 2014
I presented at FOTE 14 in London.
September 2014
I attended the ALT Conference in Warwick. Taking the time for ALT-C 2014
March 2014
I attended the Jisc Digifest 2014. Down at the Festival
June 2013
I was hoping to attend Learning Without Frontiers – alas it was cancelled.
October 2012
I delivered a session on ebooks in Edinburgh on the 25th October 2012.
I attended the Xerte Meeting in Nottingham on the 10th October 2012.
I did not attend FOTE 12 in London on the 5th October 2012.
September 2012
I attended ALT-C 2012 in Manchester.
November 2012
I attended the JISC Online Conference.
February 2012
3rd February 2012 – I presented the keynote at the Teacher Training and Technologies Conference 2012 at the University of Huddersfield.
As teacher educators we need to be ‘ahead of the game’ when it comes to incorporating IT technologies into our own teaching. We also need to understand how we can support trainee teachers to use such technologies effectively in their own teaching. Tablet and mobile technology has developed at an incredible rate over the last few years and more of our students have access to such technology. How are we able to develop not only our own skills and understanding but those of our trainees and other students? This conference offers the opportunity to participate in an event that will give you access to practitioners from across the Lifelong Learning sector and HE who have developed ways of using technology to enhance learning. We have a range of workshops (including two from JISC who have identified a numbers of ‘apps’ that are useful for teacher educators) as well as two main speakers. This conference is being jointly presented by JISC RSC Yorkshire and Humber with the PCET Consortium/HUDCETT of the University of Huddersfield.
January 2012
25th-26th January 2012 – I am attending the Learning Without Frontiers conference in London. I will be involved in a panel session.
November 2011
24th November 2011, London – I presented at the CILIP eBooks Executive Briefing: Expanding our horizons – libraries and the changing e-Book landscape
15th November 2011, Birmingham – I was part of a workshop on emerging technologies.
October 2011
I once again presented at FOTE on the 7th October 2011.
September 2011
6th-8th September 2011 – I attended ALT-C 2011 “Thriving in colder and more challenging climate”.
July 2011
6th July 2011 – I ran a workshop at City of Bristol College on mobile learning.
June 2011
15th June 2011 – I delivered four presentations of six minutes each at the RSC SW Turbo TEL event at City of Bristol College.
April 2011
7th April 2011 – With Mark Power, CETIS, we ran a workshop on Web Apps at the Plymouth e-Learning Conference.
4-6th April 2011 – I ran a workshop on mobile technologies in the Library at UKSG 2011. Is there a role for mobile devices in the modern library? What are the issues, challenges and opportunities of using mobile devices to support learning and resource discovery in the library? Is it time to stop telling people to turn off their mobile phones? From communication, collaboration, storage, notes, books, journals and more, mobile technologies are changing the way in which users are can and are using libraries.
March 2011
31st March 2011 – I delivered the keynote at an event for an CPD Day for CLD Practitioners, Supported by LLUK Upskilling Fund and the Highland Council.
January 2011
26-27th January 2011 – I presented a session on mobile and immersive learning at Learning Technologies 2011. The proliferation of powerful mobile devices in the past 24 months, combined with a savvy population of users has led to a change in the way we use information. Many of us now expect to be able to read and interact on the move using smart devices like the iPhone and Android phones, or the iPad. At the same time, e-books and readers allow us to carry thousands of books in one device. Potentially this could be a great moment for extending learning – but what is the role of the L&D function in all this?
9th-11th January 2011 – I attended the Learning without Frontiers Conference 2011.
December 2010
1st December – I was going to be presenting the keynote at the Sheffield College MoLenet CAMEL Event, sadly the event was canceled because of snow.
November 2010
16th November – 26th November – I was the conference blogger for the JISC Innovating e-Learning 2010 Online Conference.
October 2010
1st October 2010 – I presented a session at the FOTE 2010 Conference in London, called the iPad is the future of reading.
September 2010
29th September 2010 – I presented at the MoLeNET Conference in London.
7th-9th September 2010 – I attended ALT-C 2010 – “Into something rich and strange” – making sense of the sea-change.
Guerilla Narratives of Personal Media Creation, Public Media Sharing: A 21st Century Show and Tell, Association for Learning Technology conference. (Workshop with Frances Bell, Josie Fraser, James Clay). Nottingham, UK, September 2010.
June 2010
15th June 2010 – I presented at the JISC CETIS Mobile Tech Meeting at The University of Bolton.
e-Books and e-Book Readers are going to be big! Apple have the iPad, Amazon have their Kindle, many other manufacturers are offering a wealth of e-Book Readers. Likewise publishers are now offering many more titles in the e-book format.
e-Book Readers that we have already experienced were first generation devices, Apple’s iPad changes everything.
The iPad is a turning point in consumer devices. It is unique user experience and will change the way that we view content and interact with the web.
At the end of the day it doesn’t matter what we think about this in our role as educators, practitioners and learning technologists. The real decision about the iPad will be made by our learners and if we are sensible we will change how we do things in order to meet the needs of our learners. If our learners decide that they want to buy and use the iPad, then I believe as educators we should ensure that our learning content and activities should work on the iPad.
Technology changes, we need to have the culture and flexibility to accommodate those changes in order to provide the best enhanced and improved learning experience for our learners.
This session will demonstrate the potential of the iPad as a tool to enhance and enrich learning. Participants will discuss and debate the merits of the iPad format.
8th June 2010 – I gave a keynote at the CoFHE Circle Mid West event called Do you like books or do you like reading?
May 2010
20th/21st May 2010 – I delivered the Keynote at EdTech 2010, at the 10th Annual Irish Learning Technology Association Conference. Blog posts relating to the conference.
April 2010
8th/9th April 2010 –I attended the 5th Plymouth e-Learning Conference. The conference will examine the theme of e-learning in a time of change, and will challenge notions of traditional boundaries, learning spaces and roles. We will focus on new practices, new technologies, new environments and new learning. There will be primary, secondary and tertiary education threads. We invite papers on the digital divide, e-learning methods and case studies, mobile and pervasive technologies, digital games, multi-user virtual environments, informal learning, new classroom technologies (PDAs interactive whiteboards, etc), personal learning environments, visual media (videoconference, digital photography), e-portfolios and social software (wikis, blogs, podcasting, etc). I will also be partaking in the Pelican Fringe.
March 2010
9th March 2010 – I attended the Becta Conference, Time to Innovate: Maximising Value in Further Education and Skills at the ICC, Birmingham.
February 2010
8th/9th February 2010 – Alas due to illness I could not attend the ALT/JISC TechDis conference “Rewiring Inclusion” event in Nottingham – James Clay will reflect on the conference from his vantage point as “roving rapporteur”.
December 2009
1st December 2009 – I attended the MoLeNET Conference.
6th-9th December 2009 – I presented a keynote at the ASCILITE 2009 Conference in Auckland, New Zealand.
November 2009
19th November 2009 – I presented the keynote at the JISC Collections 2009 Annual Conference and AGM.
James Clay will look at the ways in which technological change is having an impact on the ways in which society communicates, accesses entertainment, receives information and how this will impact on learners and learning. Gloucestershire College is an exemplar in the way in which it uses technology to support, enhance and enrich learning. James will explore how the 3000 e-books fit in with the future of learning and how colleges and universities will need to be more responsive to the technological changes taking place.
24th -27th November 2009 – I was the conference blogger for the JISC Online Conference 2009.
October 2009
21st October – I presented a session on MoLeNET at the JISC Learning and Teaching Practice Experts Meeting.
20th October – I delivered a Keynote presentation on Mobile Learning at the Becta and LSIS Leading Innovation, Embracing Technology Conference.
15th October – I am presenting as part of a webinar for ALT entitled Video on a Shoestring. My session is called Me, my camera and I – So you want to create video, you need a crew then don’t you? A lot of hardware, you know cameras, mixers, microphones. You need lots of time, we’re talking days here aren’t we? Oh and yes you need people, lots of people? Well yes you can do it that way if you want to, or you can do it another way, just you (and a camera now and again). James Clay will show how he creates, edits and delivers videos quickly, easily and without a large crew or lots of money. Find out more.
5th-7th October – I attended the Handheld Learning Conference in London. I presented at the conference on Twitter in the Social Media strand and a presentation, Shiny Stuff, for the MoLeNET session. I also helped to organise the Fringe. I also did a few Pechu Kucha including one on Twenty Web 2.0 Apps for Learning.
2nd October – I presented at the FOTIE Conference in London.
September 2009
30th September – I presented on mobile learning at HMS Raleigh to the Royal Navy the Army and the RAF.
8th-10th September – I attended and presented at the ALT Conference in Manchester. I also received the ALT Learning Technologist of the Year Award.
Bell, F., Fraser, J., Keegan, H. and Clay, J. (2009). Distribute This: Online Identity, Presence and Practice. Workshop delivered at ALT-C 2009, Manchester, UK. 8-10 September 2009.
July 2009
9th July – I presented at the MIMAS Mobile Learning Event in London. Mobile Learning: Telling Tales showcased how mobile technologies are being used to enhance the learning experience in the classroom and on the move.
June 2009
16th – 17th June – I attended the RSC SW Summer Conference. I presented a joint keynote with David Sugden and ran a workshop on the future of learning. I was also on the expert panel too.
April 2009
28th April – I attended the FENC Symposium in Birmingham.
23rd – 24th April – I ran two workshops at the Plymouth e-Learning Conference, one on mobile learning and one on Web 2.0 and learning.
21st April – I ran the ILT Champions Informal Conference at Gloucestershire College.
1st April – I presented the keynote at the RSC Eastern’s Mobile Learning Day and ran a workshop on mobile learning.
March 2009
27th March – I attended part of the Digital Literacy debate (online) however I was also presenting MoLeNET online presentations at the same time.
26th March – I attended the Altogether now: Delivering FE in the age of mass participation event at Channel 4 in London. I took some photographs.
23rd-24th March – I attended the JISC Conference in Edinburgh and blogged on the opening keynote and made a Qik video!
February 2009
5th February 2009 – LSIS eCPD Launch Conference
4th February 2009 – Technology in education and training: a leadership issue –
October 2008
13th-14th October 2008 – I attented Handheld Learning 2008 and gave a presentation on the Glossy MoLeNET Project I also presented a Pecha Kucha.
8th-10th October 2008 – I attended mLearn 2008 in Telford.