The current craze in Japan is for QR Codes that allow information to be sent to a mobile phone via the camera.
Simply put the information or link is encoded into a barcode type graphic.
You then take a photograph of the barcode, and with special reader software you are able to convert the barcode into information, which could be a link to a website or just plain information.
You can make simple barcodes on the Nokia website, there are also links to various applications which can read these codes.
This is a datamatrix code. If you want to create QR Codes, go here:
Hi Roger
Thanks for the link.
I am using the Kaywa application on my Nokia N73 to test the codes and it works really well.
Hi James,
There have been a number of educators looking into the use of 2D barcodes as a method for supporting educational activities. The Semapedia project is one (which I previously blogged here: , but it links physical spaces and objects to Wikipedia; my current preference is for Wapedia, a mobile-optimised version of Wikipedia that makes browsing more comfortable and affordable on most mobile devices: