Tag Archives: tagxedo


I’ve used Wordle a fair few times and it is a very clever way of showing how and which words are been used for a piece of text or a webpage.

Over the weekend I was introduced to Tagxedo which is a similar tool, but has a lot more functionality and you have a lot more control. This is what I created within a minute or two using this blog as the source for the text.

You can change colours, put the words into a shape. You can add multiple sources into the word source. So lots of flexibility.

It is currently in beta, so some of the features will “disappear” unless you upgrade to the “pro” version.

So at this time it is a fun tool that will allow you to create infographics which for some learners will be a great way of showing what a piece of text or website is “talking” about.

e-Learning Stuff Podcast #071: Get a grip

James talks about the forthcoming iPad 2. He now has Gingerbread for Android. Tagexdo, a Wordle type web application. Firefox 4 beta is now available.

With James Clay.

This is the seventy first e-Learning Stuff Podcast, Get a grip.

Download the podcast in mp3 format: Get a grip.

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