This post is part of the #JuneEdTechChallenge series.
Probably the acronym I could do without has to be VLE though LMS comes a close second.
VLE is a virtual learning environment, though these days most people equate the VLE with a specific product such as Blackboard, Canvas or Moodle.
You hear people say things like, our VLE is Blackboard. The concept of the VLE is synonymous with a actual product.
For me thought I always saw the VLE as a concept, an online environment which could encompass a product such as Moodle, but would be supplemented with other functions through tools such as Mahara, WordPress even the Twitter.
The challenge then is if you change your VLE, you need to then start referring to a new product as people will associate the term VLE with the legacy product.
You also have that concept that we don’t have a VLE, we have Moodle.
The other issue I have with the term VLE, is that we don’t refer to the physical learning environment in the same way that we refer to the VLE.
So probably the acronym I could do without is VLE.
Though I didn’t post these posts each day in June (and to be honest I didn’t post it each day on the Twitter either) except the final day, I have decided to retrospectively post blog posts about each of the challenges and back date them accordingly. There is sometimes more I want to say on the challenge then you can fit into 140 characters (well 280 these days).