I am officially annoyed with Apple.
Yes you guessed it, a further delay on the iPad.
BBC News reports:
Apple is to delay the international release of its touchscreen tablet computer, the iPad, by one month.
It will now launch the device around the world, including the UK, at the end of May, and will begin accepting pre-orders on 10 May.
…and there I was expecting to get mine at the end of April!
As I have said before on this blog:
Part of me is sad that I didn’t go out to the states and buy an iPad, and part of me knows how sad that would be!
I have also discussed how I think I will be using the iPad too.
Since the iPad was announced and launched in the US, there have been numerous alternatives announced by other manufacturers and we also have Courier from Microsoft.
These “alternatives” have many more features than the iPad. They have cameras, front and back, built in SD card slots, USB ports, they can print, they can be tethered, they can tether, etc… etc…
So why oh why am I going to get an iPad then?
Firstly it’s not about the features its about the functionality and the user interface.
Despite many valiant attempts by other phone companies, none have come close to the way the user interface on the iPhone works. I remember getting the LG Viewty and feeling very short changed by the touch screen experience compared to the iPhone. Likewise, though I do like the Google Nexus One and it has compared to other touchscreen phones a fantastic touch screen and a very intuitive user interface, however even it does not match the iPhone interface. It is for this reason that the iPad will succeed over the alternative devices been proposed or released by other manufacturers will be the touch interface that Apple have managed to excel at on the iPhone and according to the reports from the US have likewise done with the iPad.
The Apps market, though a closed market seems to have been very successful. Though history says that open standards win over closed walled gardens (think of the internet versus AOL) proprietary closed markets do win now and again. Developers like the App Store and the ease by which consumers will purchase apps from it. The reason for this is quite simple, create one account, purchase from many developers. As a consumer I don’t want to have to create accounts everytime I want to buy an app and I certainly don’t want to do this using a mobile device if I can help it. Entering credit cards on my iPhone is something I would prefer not to do, on an iPad probably wouldn’t mind so much!
So even though this further delay in the iPad has annoyed me, I think I will still be getting one when they are eventually released in the UK!
Picture source.
I’m keen to get one too, but like the idea it is being mass-beta’d by America first!