It was mobile and was glossy

On the 5th February I presented a workshop at the LSIS eCPD launch event. I did blog about this before I gave my workshop and we also discussed it on our snow podcast.

Though it was a workshop, I did have a short presentation that went alongside it.

<<For some reason Slideshare have removed the presentation>>

You can read about the workshop and the background in the “Old Stuff” part of the blog.

3 thoughts on “It was mobile and was glossy”

  1. Dear James,

    I would really like to embedd your slideshow in my blog – – but the embedding code never works in wordpress.
    How did you do it in your blog?
    This is a really good slideshow to explain my tutors the whole idea of mobile learning. It is something our college would like to start developping. You already have some devices we just need ideas. that’s why I was having a look at your blog.

    1. Hi Sandra you need to use the following code when embedding Slideshare presentations into a blog.

      [slideshare id=1121534&doc=lsisecpd-090309092622-phpapp02]

      The standard embed code will not work.


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