JISC Legal Toolkits

JISC Legal have a series of toolkits available for those educational institutions using Web 2.0 services.

The following are included:

Web 2.0 and the Law for FE Policy Makers
Web 2.0 and the Law for HE Policy Makers
Web 2.0 and the Law for Information Services
Web 2.0 and the Law for IT Support Staff
Web 2.0 and the Law for Learning Resource Staff
Web 2.0 and the Law FAQs
Web 2.0 Policy Checklist

Find out more: http://www.jisclegal.ac.uk/Web2/index.htm

If you are thinking about integrating or using Web 2.0 services in your institution it would make sense to have a look to ensure that you are aware of any legal implications.

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