Tag Archives: university alliance

Writing, writing, writing – Weeknote #113 – 30th April 2021

Undertook some interviews this week with students about their experiences of digital learning, always interesting to hear about what worked and what was challenging.

Spent much of the week working on a report.

Presented at the University Alliance Teaching and Learning Network Meeting. Jon introduced Jisc and the work we had done as part of Learning and Teaching Reimagined. I then spoke about the next steps and the new Higher Education Strategy 2021-2024: Powering UK Higher Education.

Can’t quite believe that the cost of parking at Weston-super-Mare station is rising from £2.50 a day to £6.00 a day from the 17th May. That’s not quite an inflationary increase is it? So there I was thinking that the was an increase effort to get people to use trains, this is a bit of a disincentive. Not everyone lives within walking distance of a railway station.

My top tweet this week was this one.

Powering UK higher education

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Today myself and Jon Baldwin delivered a presentation to the University Alliance Teaching and Learning Network Meeting.

Jon introduced Jisc and the work we had done as part of Learning and Teaching Reimagined. I then spoke about the next steps and the new Higher Education Strategy 2021-2024: Powering UK Higher Education.