An attempt to explain Moodle by using an analogy with modular Lego bricks.
Tag Archives: lego
Augmented Reality, now here’s an idea…
I saw this augmented reality video earlier today about using a “kinect” style setup with Lego.
Reflecting on watching it, though it’s about Lego, it certainly started to make me think about AR scenarios for education using a similar setup.
Science experiments that you couldn’t normally do at a desk as too dangerous could suddenly become possible.
Electrical circuits without needing batteries or fused components.
Economic models with cards to represent different parts of the economy.
Not sure at this time how you would configure a classroom to contain this technology, but certainly it has potential.
So do you have ideas how this technology could be used?
ALT-C 2009 Day #2
It’s Wednesday and it’s day two of the ALT Conference 2009 here in Manchester.
An early start for me as I am running my Hood 2.1 workshop on Web 2.0. We had fun last year, I am hoping to have a similarily good session this morning.
Due to a scheduling clash, it does mean I will miss David Sugden and Lilian Soon’s excellent Active learning with Mobile and Web 2.0 technologies workshop.
After the Wednesday keynote, over lunch is the poster session, and I shall be showing off my Glossy poster.
After the poster session I am hoping to attend the demonstrations looking at Xerte and Mindstorms Communication in Second Life.
After the ALT AGM I will be going to Learning Innovation which has two short papers, 240 Students’ experiences of wikis for a collaborative project: technology choice, evidence and change and 167 Enhancing University Curricula via Adventure Learning.
Final session of the day will be the Epigeum Award for Most Effective Use of Video Presentations. I was one of the judges so will be at this session.
In the evening is the ALT Gala Conference Dinner. Last year’s conference dinner was really good and some of you may remember this video I made of last year’s dinner.
Should be good, long and busy day.