Was reminded of this tweet this week.
Turnitin is quite good, showed me that RSC London had plagarised me. 😉
— James Clay (@jamesclay) July 3, 2012
Turnitin is quite good, it once showed me that JISC RSC London had plagiarised me. This was back in July 2012.
What happened was that for a Turnitin training session at Gloucestershire College I took three pieces of work.
- A piece of work which was a straight copy of something from the internet.
- A second piece which contained quotes of content from other sources.
- A third and final piece of original content.
Each time I did the training I would have to create a new piece of original content, as once submitted it would flag another submission of the same content as plagiarised or with an originality warning.
So with confidence I went through the three pieces of work, so you can imagine the shock and surprise that the Turnitin system flagged my original content as being copied!
Time for a little detective work. The original piece of work (in theory) was authored by JISC RSC London. Though digging deeper, what had happened was that before then I had written a piece of work, which JISC RSC London then copied and used on their website.
When I wrote my original piece of writing, though it was written completely fresh, it bore a huge similarity to my writing that JISC RSC London had copied.
So what I thought was an original piece of work, was so similar to a piece I had written a fair few years ago, it was picked up by Turnitin. Though Turnitin didn’t pick up the original piece of work, it picked up the work by JISC RSC London that had copied my work.
That took some explaining to the academic staff in the training session.