Tag Archives: application

Show what you know [Infographic] – Updated

I liked Tony Vincent’s excellent Infographic on apps that can be used for different activities. He has now updated it. Click image for a larger version.

Show What You Know Infographic by Tony Vincent

This is a really useful visual guide to apps, both mobile, but also importantly similar apps that can be accessed through a browser (not everyone has an iPad).

Nowadays teachers and students have a variety of ways to show what they know and to express themselves. Take a look at some of the hottest online and mobile tools for showing, explaining, and retelling in my infographic, “Show What You Know Using Web & Mobile Apps.” These tools can turn students into teachers and teachers into super-teachers! Furthermore, most of the apps listed in the infographic are free of charge.


Replaced apps that are no longer available.
Updated some app icons.
Added sections for Slide Presentations and Posters.

Via Tony Vincent’s Learning in Hand Blog.

Show what you know [Infographic]

Quite like this Infographic from Tony Vincent on apps that can be used for different activities. Click image for a larger version.

 Show What You Know Using Web & Mobile Apps [Infographic]

Nowadays teachers and students have a variety of ways to show what they know and to express themselves. Take a look at some of the hottest online and mobile tools for showing, explaining, and retelling in my infographic, “Show What You Know Using Web & Mobile Apps.” These tools can turn students into teachers and teachers into super-teachers! Furthermore, most of the apps listed in the infographic are free of charge.

Via Tony Vincent’s Learning in Hand Blog, where you can also download a PDF version.

Using the iPad

A video my presentation from the RSC SW Turbo TEL event.

I did prepare a presentation, but in the end I showed the apps live through the iPad as you can see above. The presentation shows most of the apps I did demo.

You can read reviews of most of them through my app of the week feature.

Here is a list of the Apps I covered in the session with links to the iOS App Store.

AudioNote – Notepad and Voice Recorder – Luminant Software, Inc

Snapseed for iPad – Nik Software, Inc.

Comic Life – plasq LLC

Dragon Dictation – Nuance Communications

Eureka Sports Science – Times Newspapers Limited

Flipboard – Flipboard Inc.

GarageBand – Apple®

Keynote – Apple®

iThoughtsHD (mindmapping) – CMS

Pocket Heart by Pocket Anatomy™ : The Interactive Human Body. – Pocket Anatomy

iPad Apps – RSC SW Turbo TEL

Last week I attended the JISC RSC SW Turbo TEL event in Bristol. In a change to previous conferences that I have attended and delivered at, this one comprised short six minute presentations and an opportunity for delegates to talk about things they wanted to.

I did a few presentations, one was on using the VLE better, based on my series here on the blog of 100 ways to use a VLE and another on iPad apps.

I did prepare a presentation, but in the end I showed the apps live through the iPad. The presentation shows most of the apps I did demo.

You can read reviews of most of them through my app of the week feature.


Here is a list of the Apps I covered in the session with links to the iOS App Store.

AudioNote – Notepad and Voice Recorder – Luminant Software, Inc

Snapseed for iPad – Nik Software, Inc.

Comic Life – plasq LLC

Dragon Dictation – Nuance Communications

Eureka Sports Science – Times Newspapers Limited

Flipboard – Flipboard Inc.

GarageBand – Apple®

Keynote – Apple®

iThoughtsHD (mindmapping) – CMS

Pocket Heart by Pocket Anatomy™ : The Interactive Human Body. – Pocket Anatomy

e-Learning Tech Stuff #003 – BBC News App

This week’s e-Learning Tech Stuff is looking at the BBC News App.

Download the iPhone version in M4V format.

Get the latest, breaking news from the BBC and our global network of journalists.

By downloading the BBC News app you can view:

News stories by geographical region

News by category including business, technology, entertainment and sport

News in other languages including Spanish, Russian and Arabic

Video including one minute news summaries to keep you informed on the go

You can also personalise the app to suit your interests and download content for offline browsing

The BBC News website is a wonderful resource and place for news on the web. The mobile version is okay too. Both versions do work on the iPhone and the iPad.

However the BBC News website does rely on Flash for video. The obvious solution would be, as other news providers have, build an App.

So the BBC did build a BBC News App…

UK media companies complained, so the BBC Trust said that the BBC News App would not be available in the UK, but they could make it available overseas!

However today the BBC Trust having delayed the UK launch has now said that the App would be available in the UK.

The UK launch was delayed while the BBC Trust, the corporation’s governing body, assessed the proposals and their impact on the rest of the industry.

The apps do not “represent a significant change to the BBC’s existing public services,” ruled the BBC Trust, meaning that further scrutiny was not required.

So what about the App itself?

Basically it is similar to the website, the news is divided into sections.

The advantage over the website is that any video is in h.264 format so it plays!

The user interface is much more iPhone like than the website so making it much quicker and easier to use.

Apple to allow iPhone third party applications

Anyone who has been following the iPhone (despite it not been available in the UK until November 9th) will know that one of the complaints about the iPhone was the lack of third party applications.


Now some clever people managed to “hack” the iPhone to allow third party applications, this was recently broken by an update from Apple.

It is now been reported that Apple have announced that they will be allowing third party application development.

Apple boss Steve Jobs has said that outside developers will now be allowed to make add-on software for the iPhone.

“We are excited about creating a vibrant third party developer community around the iPhone and enabling hundreds of new applications for our users,” said Mr Jobs.

This will be useful for those who are interested in using the iPhone for educational purposes as now educational or learning applications could be created.

I wonder also if such applications could work on the iPod touch, I am guessing no.

Photo source