Unfortunately this year I have not been able to record as many podcasts as I planned. So if you are missing your regular fix of the e-Learning Stuff podcast then do have a listen to Episode 1: Daydreams and motivation with Graeme Boxwell and e-Learning Stuff podcast regular Lilian Soon, where they discuss CMALT, reflection, daydreaming and motivation. An enjoyable listen.
Category Archives: podcast
Podcasts – iPad App of the Week
Podcasts – iPad App of the Week
This is a regular feature of the blog looking at various Apps available. Some of the apps will be useful for those involved in learning technologies, others will be useful in improving the way in which you work, whilst a few will be just plain fun! Some will be free, others will cost a little and one or two will be what some will think is quite expensive.
This week’s App is Podcasts.
Podcasts app is the easiest way to discover, subscribe to, and play your favorite podcasts on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Explore hundreds of thousands of free audio and video podcasts from the Podcasts Catalog, and play the most popular podcasts, organized for you by topic, with the all-new Top Stations feature.
One of the issues I have had with the iPad and more so with the iPhone is how awful they were when it came to managing podcasts. The only real way to make it work was to sync with iTunes and be done with it.
If I didn’t sync with iTunes and then tried to download an episode of a podcast that I was subscribed to in iTunes, but wasn’t “transferred” to the iPhone, then when I next synchronised with iTunes, I would have two “copies” of the same podcast. What made it worse was that then this would be synchonised and transferred to the iPod classic I normally use for podcasts resulting in a duplicate of the podcast feed and duplicates of the podcast episodes. That caused me problems as these duplicates would then take up disk space.
There have been separate podcast apps in the iTunes App Store, but despite my problems I have never actually downloaded them and tried them… came close, but never quite got there. This was partly as I heard about them on a podcast, like MacBreak Weekly, but couldn’t remember the name when I actually came round to downloading the app.
Apple has finally decided that the iPad and the iPhone needed a decent podcast app and have released their own. This takes podcasts out of the Music app and puts then in their own Podcasts app, as they did with movies and putting them in the Movie app.
It’s a really nice app and works really smoothly. There are also some really nice design features, which is something you kind of expect from Apple now. Like some of their apps there is also a retro design that I think works well, and appeals to people like me!
If you already subscribe to podcasts on iTunes that you transfer to the iPad or iPhone then these will be transferred automatically. Unlike the Music app, the Podcasts app will download new episodes in the background, so you can be sure that the next time you pick up your device it should have the latest episode on it. This is part of Apple’s wider strategy in doing more updates wirelessly in the background rather than through iTunes. In the future you can expect to see Apps updating in the background, as well as podcasts.
If you haven’t been using your iPad for podcasts then you will get this screen.
e-Learning Stuff Podcast #086: Do you like books, or do you like reading?
I delivered the keynote at e-Books: Experiences and Future Directions, A Joint Higher Education and NHS Event for Library Staff held at UWE in Bristol.
What are the challenges and issues when it comes to the embedding and use of ebooks in libraries?
With James Clay.
This is the 86th e-Learning Stuff Podcast, Do you like books, or do you like reading?
Download the podcast in mp3 format: Do you like books, or do you like reading?
e-Learning Stuff Podcast #085: Bring it on…
BYOD, or Bring Your Own Devices. Is this the future of using technology for learning? What are the issues of using learner owned devices? What do institutions need to do to be able to ensure that learner owned devices can be used within the institution for learning? What about e-safety? Bring it on…
With James Clay, Lilian Soon, Dave Foord and Ron Mitchell.
This is the 85th e-Learning Stuff Podcast, Bring it on…
e-Learning Stuff Podcast #084: The Legacy of MoLeNET
MoLeNET was a three year multi-million pound programme of mobile learning projects for Further Education, funded by the LSC and managed by the LSN. Two years on what is the legacy of MoLeNET and where are we with mobile learning now in FE. Have other sectors listened and learned from the lessons of MoLeNET. Listen to the legacy of MoLeNET.
With James Clay, Lilian Soon, David Sugden and Ron Mitchell.
This is the 84th e-Learning Stuff Podcast, The Legacy of MoLeNET.
e-Learning Stuff Podcast #083: Read This!
We are discussing Kindles, e-Books, iPads, iBooks Author and all manner of stuff related to digital books.
With James Clay, Lilian Soon, David Sugden and Ron Mitchell.
This is the 83rd e-Learning Stuff Podcast, Read This!
Download the podcast in mp3 format: Read This!
Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes
e-Learning Stuff Podcast #082: e-Books go Mobile
From a recent presentation at a CILIP Excecutive Briefing on e-Books. Through the use of a number of mobile devices James will give an overview of how the FE sector is promoting their e-book collections through mobile technologies and how this can enhance the learning experience and extend the access and use of e-books.
With James Clay.
This is the 82nd e-Learning Stuff Podcast, e-Books go Mobile.
Download the podcast in mp3 format: e-Books go Mobile.
Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes
e-Learning Stuff Podcast #081: In conversation
At ALT-C this year I interviewed Steve as part of ALT Live Beta and he interviewed me….
With James Clay and Steve Wheeler.
This is the 81st e-Learning Stuff Podcast, In conversation
e-Learning Stuff Podcast #080: We’re back…
Good news. The e-Learning Stuff podcast returns with a brand new episode after our summer break. James, David and Lilian discuss various news items, what they’ve been doing, sharing practice, collaboration and they have their tips and picks of the week.
With James Clay, Lilian Soon and David Sugden.
This is the eightieth e-Learning Stuff Podcast, We’re back….
e-Learning Stuff Podcast #079: Turbo Telling
James recently presented at the JISC RSC SW Turbo TEL event in Bristol. The RSC SW recorded one of his sessions and interviewed him. These are those recordings…
With James Clay.
This is the seventy ninth e-Learning Stuff Podcast, Turbo Telling.