A shorter week with the bank holiday. Always nice when coming back from nearly two weeks leave to just 15 emails in the inbox. Knowing that you can probably delete all of them in one fell swoop as well. This time last year I had 109.
I went to our Bristol office a couple of times. It was very quiet on Friday, which wasn’t too surprising.
I spent much of the week planning an intelligent campus workshop I am doing next week in Norwich. As well as developing and designing the workshop, I also needed to sort out the travel and accommodation. With the planned tube strike, I decided that not only would I drive, but would take the opportunity to undertake some additional field work in the student experience landscape.
I finished off a blog post I started writing last year. It was on why I had quit the Twitter.
On September 24th 2023 I posted my last tweet to the Twitter (or X as it is called now). Since then I have not posted to the Twitter, or replied to any posts. I have retained my account though as I have an improbable hope that one day things might go back to the way they were. I think though that it unlikely.
I also published a post while I was on leave about how I might (re)subscribe to Flickr Pro.
Flickr is one of the first social networks I joined way back in 2007, which to me feels like just a few years ago and not 16 years ago!
I also started taking a photograph a day. Something I have done for a fair few years now.