Over on my “stuff” blog I have been publishing a series of blog posts about photographs of the same place taken years apart.
I was in Manchester at the ALT Conference 2022 and I was reminded that ten years previously I had run ALT-C Live at the conference.
So I found the photograph of ALT-C Live I had taken in 2012.
I then took a similar photograph of the same location, which this year was the site of the Jisc space at the conference.
ALT-C Live is something I would probably like to do again at some point. It was an informal conference backchannel streamed live to the internet and featuring exclusive interviews and chat with conference organisers, keynote speakers, presenters and delegates. The intention was to provide another channel which, along with social media such as the official conference Crowdvine, Twitter, and delegate blogs, would serve to amplify those hot topics and discussions from the conference.