Here are the slides from my presentation at ALT-C 2012 this morning.
The tablet computer is not a new idea, but recently has had an impact on learning and teaching across a range of institutions in the UK and elsewhere. In this session I will try to tackle the following questions.
What do we currently understand to be a tablet? What is the primary functionality? How are tablets being used right now for supporting, and enhancing learning and teaching? What sort of learning activities and scenarios are making best use of the tablet format? Are these devices for content consumption, content creation, interaction, or all three? So where next? Where will tablets take us? Do institutions purchase tablets for all their students? Or do we let or require students to buy and bring their own? And if the latter what does this mean for how we organise provision?
I will conclude with a personal reflection on the overall direction of travel, and where I believe we may finish up.
I think tablet PCs are the study device of the future. if you just think of the simple fact that you can load all your course notes on a single device this definitely makes learning more fun for students and even professionals doing exams while working. No more carrying around bulky books in bags.