The Emerging Technology Seminar

Next week I am speaking at The Emerging Technology Seminar in Birmingham.

This one-day event has been specifically designed for leaders and managers and is your chance to gain insights into technologies that are on the learning horizon. There will be input from Google, Microsoft, sector experts and your peers who are already working with these new technologies. You will have plenty of time for discussion and to consider how these technologies may facilitate improvement through efficiencies, innovation and new ways of working.

Myself I am talking about horizon scanning, new technologies and the inevitable cultural resistance that colleges will face .

What new technologies will be having an impact on teaching and learning over the next five to ten years? How should colleges prepare and utilise the potential that these technologies will bring?

How is practice changing within learning providers? How will learning and the delivery of learning change over the next five to ten years? How can technology facilitate changes in practice? How can colleges prepare for the challenges and opportunities new ways of learning bring to education?

This session will provide an opportunity to discover, share and discuss the challenges and new technologies and practice bring to colleges and how they can best prepare for the change that is going to happen.

The Emerging Technology Seminar takes place on the 22nd February 2012 in Birmingham.

3 thoughts on “The Emerging Technology Seminar”

  1. “I am talking about horizon scanning, new technologies and the inevitable cultural resistance that colleges will face”
    Do you find that the cultural resistance comes from teaching staff or senior management?

    1. It’s individuals rather than specific groups within an institution. The culture of an organisation is made up of the individuals, if the senior management have vision, without the buy in from the teaching staff then that organisation will be culturally resistant. And vice versa. However more usually it is less clear cut than that and you get a spectrum of resistance, across the whole organisation.


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