Effective Assessment in a Digital Age Workshops
From challenge to change…
Using principles of good practice, work with colleagues towards an effective model for the use of technology in assessment and feedback.
A series of free workshops based around the JISC Effective Assessment in a Digital Age publication and associated online resources will take place during January – March 2011. Workshops will be held in London (20 January 2011), Birmingham (16th February 2011), Bristol (March 2011, date to be confirmed) and Newcastle (24 March 2011). The JISC e-Learning Programme will be working in partnership with the JISC Regional Support Centres on these events.
These workshops will be exploring how the use of technology in HE and HE in FE, linked to principles of good practice in assessment and feedback, can help promote more effective learning. These workshops, which draw on the work of recent JISC-funded projects as well as related significant developments in the area of assessment, will have a practical, hands-on flavour with a focus on how to move from current challenges towards sustainable change.
The workshops will be suitable for:
- Lecturers, tutors and course leaders who design assessment and feedback for their learners on HE-level courses
- Intermediaries with a role in supporting practitioners with assessment, and technology-enhanced assessment (learning technologists, e-learning/ILT champions, staff developers, educational developers, academic registry)
Further information together with the registration form for the London workshop is now available from www.jisc.ac.uk/assessworkshops
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