So it’s Tuesday the 7th September and I am in Nottingham for ALT-C. It’s a very busy day with lots on and I have a fair bit to do too.
The conference opens at 10.00am and then Donald Clark delivers the first keynote of the conference.
He is intending to be controversial and I need to pay attention more so than usual as I will be on a panel later discussing the keynote.
…there’s a dark secret at the heart of HE that really holds it back – the lecture. Apart from being pedagogically suspect, many are badly delivered and few are recorded. Donald will do some deconstruction of the lecture in terms of its history, lack of relevance in the terms of the psychology of learning and serious limitations for students.
This may well be controversial for the largely HE audience at ALT-C whose institutions are dominated by lectures.
And before you ask, yes he is aware of the contradiction!
After the keynote there are many parallel sessions and as per usual a fair choice of subjects and topics. I quite like the idea of the mobile learning demonstrations, but I do know a fair bit about that subject so will probably not go. The Fun with ‘Faux-positories’ sounds like a different and interesting workshop.
This workshop will give participants a chance to work hands-on with Diigo and Netvibes to develop their own resource sharing and dissemination sites for their departments, communities, or classes.
Alas it was cancelled due to illness.
I do also think the two e-book short papers would be of interest and useful for the symposium later on.
After lunch I am as I had said part of the facilitated discussion on Donald’s keynote. I suspect this will prove quite popular once the keynote has happened!
Like the morning the afternoon parallel sessions offer a wide choice.
I think the Changing staff development short papers will be useful. The demonstration on copyright would also be of interest, less sure about the advertising demo in the same session.
I am really liking the look of the Institutional changing paradigms short papers session.
I would probably attend the Student voice expectations short papers session, however from the abstracts it looks like it may have too much of an HE focus to be really useful.
After a range of other sponsored presentations I will be running my e-book symposium.
After dinner there is a range of F-ALT activity and the EduBloggers meet up in the city centre.
As is usual for ALT-C a very packed and busy day.