There were many interesting and informative papers and presentations at EdTech 2010.
One that caught my eye, was a paper on the use of Flip cameras brought to the fore the issue of technical barriers to the successful implementation of a new technology. Even despite these barriers, enthusiasm and perseverance paid off. The project demonstrated the importance of effective communication between all stakeholders.
After the presentation I was discussing cameras with some of the other delegates, I had my Kodak Zi8 and a Sanyo Xacti with me and we were looking at the merits of these compared to the Flip. One of the delegates did say that she was interested in running a pilot in her institution.
Here’s a question how many Flip projects and pilots need to be run before we can accept that there is value in using these “cheap” cameras to enhance and enrich learning? How many duplicate lessons need to be learnt? How many learners need to experience the use of video before it is accepted that this does contribute to the learning experience? I can accept that every institution is different, but how different are they? We are in fact much more similar than we think.
If only a single small pilot has been run in the country, then yes there is probably sensible to run a pilot. But when we are talking about Flip cameras, hundreds of institutions have run pilots and projects involving these cameras, and other similar cameras. Papers have been written, presentations given, case studies disseminated.
Southwark College: The impact of low-cost video cameras across the curriculum
Gateshead College: Successful staff coaching through video footage analysis
West Kent College: Dance and IT capture evidence using pocket video camcorders
Flip Cameras arrive at Wisewood
Basic guide to using the Flip Digital Recorder
Move industry into the classroom and the classroom into industry Flip It
Web Video & Healthcare Case Studies & Best Practices
How many pilots do we need? Or is it more a question that we need to run a pilot at our institution before we think about “rolling” it out across all curriculum areas. I am also aware of successful pilots in one curriculum area which have been followed by virtually identical pilots in a second curriculum area… Why? Well the learners are different! Really! How different, they have two heads or something? That actually raises a question on any pilot, well successful pilots have resulted in a roll out across the whole institution?
We do see institutions that use tools such as Powerpoint across the institution, similarly we see some institutions have embedded the use of the VLE. However was this via projects and pilots? Or was it something different?
Do pilots actually help institutions move forward in using learning technologies or are they causing problems rather than solutions?
If we don’t learn from pilots that others do, is there any point in talking about pilots?
So is there a use for the pilot? I believe that we can use the lessons learned above to change how we use pilots in institutions and use them for staff development to improve the use of learning technologies.
Though it would appear from talking to delegates at EdTech and elsewhere that most institutions do not have consistent use of the VLE or other tools. This is down to many reasons, some are fear and apprehension.
However prejudice, lack of training, lack of understanding, lack of knowledge play their part too. Some staff perceive that some tools or technologies are “not suitable” for their learners. Some staff don’t have the skills to fully utilise the tools. Many staff have a lack of understanding about the capabilities and potential of technologies. Others have trouble transferring activities from say face to face to the internet.
Whenever I run training sessions at the college or as a MoLeNET mentor I often talk about a range of learning activities, new gadgets, tools and services; and I know for many this is overwhelming. I will usually tell the participants that they should take “just one thing” away with them and embed that into their practice and make a difference to their learners.
This brings us back to the pilot!
Generally in a lot of institutions pilots are run by the e-learning team or an enthusiastic individual. They try one pilot after another…
This doesn’t always get the holistic results they intended, very much seen as a get the project done, then move onto the next new technology… “…did I say I was going to get my iPad this week?”
Why not get all staff to run a pilot, everyone runs a pilot of some kind, evaluate the results, embed into their teaching and then start another pilot…
There is plenty of ideas, guidance and case studies on the web and from other institutions, so support is much simpler than it was say ten years ago.
Staff don’t need to be restricted to the pilots, but for many staff it will be a way of using a wider variety of learning technologies than they were before.
So next time you suggest a pilot, think is this necessary, is this going to work? Maybe we should get everyone to pilot something.
Photo source.
Change the word pilot to the phrase ‘action research’, ‘local innovation’ or something similar and we’d want to encourage as many people to run pilots as possible.
Pilots don’t always return results which can be generalised into different contexts (as you’ve explained) but one thing that I believe can be generalised across successul pilots is the
*ownership* of the new approach by those running the pilot. The outcome of that generalisation would be that to encourage new practices, let everyone pilot (in their own context), action research, locally innovate (call it what you will), as barriers to innovation are more easily overcome when the determiniation for the activity to succeed is held by those running the activity (often those that initiated and championed the new approach).
Of course we need to find ways of sharing the findings better and to learn from others (and their pilot results) but to me ‘multiple pilots’ is about more locally owned and locally driven innovation. More pilots please … 🙂
Great post. You may be interested in the project at the University of Ulster where students make reflective videos of their chemistry laboratory classes and then share these on a university-hosted You Tube clone site. A summary of the project is provided here: Further details are provided in other posts on my blog linked here: