Wherever you are…
Wherever you are you can participate in the Innovating e-Learning 2009 JISC Online Conference.
The JISC Online e-Learning Conference 2009 takes place between the 24 and 27th November.
Wherever you are…
Wherever you are you can participate in the Innovating e-Learning 2009 JISC Online Conference.
The JISC Online e-Learning Conference 2009 takes place between the 24 and 27th November.
So, the JISC Online conference audience consists of men in suits (no beards) and the occasional wide eyed, sometimes torch-bearing, psychopath? Wondering if there is a parallel conference for women, people who don’t possess a tie, and the the non-electronically-tagged. 🙂
And is “I’m at the JISC Online Conference!” the new “I’m on the train!”
Excellent! 🙂
Nice use of some very convincing stunt-doubles, James.