I have spent the day in Birmingham at the FENC Symposium. Colleges who had submitted Beacon applications for the FENC award were invited to show and tell what was in their application.
Our original submission was on how we had embedded the use of Interactive Whiteboards across the college to enhance and enrich the learning experience for our learners.
At the Symposium thanks to Promethean we had a mobile board in place and we were able to show and explain not only how we had embedded the practice of using the boards, but we also could demonstrate the board itself.
Quite a few colleges were presenting and had stands. A few caught my eye. Telford College reminded me that not everyone can read text and using images for navigation can be a useful way of presenting course information, especially course information for courses that teach people how to read, or ESOL or EFL courses.
Dumfries and Galloway College showed how they were using WordPress for ILPs. A simple way to allow students to post information about their learning.
Overall an interesting day and again realising that it is never about the technology, it is all about the people, learners, staff development and key figures moving things forward.
Could give more details of Telford College’s visual navigation?