The usefulness of Flickr

At Gloucestershire College we as part of a Leadership and Management programme a small group of managers have been undertaking research into the workspaces used by staff and learners; to ascertain if there were ways in which we could use the space smarter and more productively.

As part of this research James Clay, the ILT & Learning Resources Manager put together a small presentation on learning and office spaces from across the UK. Within this presentation he used a range of images from the JISC Infonet Flickr photostream.


This presentation was placed on the college VLE so that other managers could access the work of the research group.

The Director of Estates in discussion with another director showed the presentation and one image caught her attention.


It was of pods used by Durham University, the image was one of a series placed on Flickr by JISC Infonet.

Coincidentally the Director of Estates’ daughter is at Durham and a quick phone call later and he had confirmation of how they were used and how they enhanced learning.

As a result a capital bid has gone to the college SMT to build some pods in the college. This would not have happened without access to the JISC Infonet photographs in Flickr.

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