Those of you who read the blog of a regular basis will know that as well as the blog I also (with a group of e-learning friends) record a podcast.
You can listen to the podcast on the blog, there is a simple Flash based player, so you don’t need to download it to listen to it.
You can download the mp3 file from the blog which then allows you to transfer it to a mp3 player, an iPod, burn it to CD, listen to it on your computer, or on your phone.
You can also subscribe to the podcast, either through the blog RSS feed (which incorporates all the blog postings and media files uploaded) or through the podcast RSS feed. You can subscribe via applications such as iTunes, Juice or your browser.
Finally you can subscribe to the podcast through the Apple iTunes Store. I submitted the podcast to the iTunes Store last October to the Educational Technology Podcasts section of the store.
It is proving reasonably popular and the podcast is generally always in the top twenty, quite pleased though today to see it is in at number two!
Now if you go and look I suspect we may have dropped a fair few places, the top podcasts list does change on a daily basis dependent on how many subscribers you have and how many new people subscribe.
I am working on a workflow document which describes the process I use for recording the podcast, it is currently a work in progress but you can view it here.
Apart from an (extra long) break over Christmas I am tying to post the podcast on a weekly basis, every Sunday. Always interested to hear about topics people would like us to talk about.