So what excuses do your learners come up with for not handing in their assignments or homework.
The Register reports on a survey of a thousand teachers
‘My dog ate it’, ‘I left it on the bus’, and ‘someone stole it’ – they were the classic excuses in our day for not handing in homework. But modern youth are increasingly blaming absent homework on technology, a survey’s revealed.
‘I lost my laptop’ and ‘I finished my homework, but then deleted it by accident’ were also used by kids. Printer problems is another justification.
So what modern technology excuses are your learners using?
Photo source.
Something that I did in the early days of using a VLE in my teaching, was to have an area for ‘excuses’, to which I would list of the excuses that learners used during the year – purely for interest and entertainment. I obviously removed any names or identifiers, and although at first some tried to come up with ridiculous excuses to get on the list, over the course of the year, some were embarrassed by the fact that they had appeared so many times, and the number of excuses being used actually dropped, either because the learners did the work or they just came clean and admitted to being useless, disorganised and hadn’t been bothered.