If you check my tag cloud on the right you will see the tag MoLeNET and you may have wondered what that was about.
Well MoLeNET (which is short for Mobile Learning NETwork) is, to quote the LSN:
A unique collaborative approach to the implementation of mobile learning via supported shared cost mobile learning projects within a wider community of practitioners and experts.
Gloucestershire College has had a MoLeNET Project, the Glossy Project which has been looking at mobile learning.
Well on the 18th September there is a MoLeNET Dissemination Conference in London (see attached PDF).
The aims of the conference are:
- To disseminate nationally the good practice, lessons learned, research and evaluation findings, tips, tools and advice arising out of the MoLeNET programme in 2007/08
- To demonstrate technologies, systems, learning materials and techniques
- To provide a platform for practitioners to share and an opportunity for networking and building of future partnerships
I do expect to be there in one form or another, so if you are coming do come and say hello.
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