Can mobile learning content also be collaborative?

I really enjoyed Geoff Stead’s demonstration, Can mobile learning content also be collaborative?
– a demonstration of tools and techniques from across the UK

Tribal CTAD have created and trialled innovative approaches to mobile learning since 2001. Our original experimentation with m-learning materials highlighted the importance of collaborative learning experiences. This led us to a more constructivist approach when developing both tools and materials, in which collaboration and active participation are key. Our most recent developments, particularly those with the LSN, have made it easier for both tutors and students to participate, publish and develop their own materials. Research has shown that helping learners publish their own m-learning can encourage student involvement and engagement (LSN 2006).

I do find it interesting the approach based on creating content in the main for PDA type devices, in other words Windows Mobile, smart phones; this is in some ways different to my own view of mobile learning which is very much about allowing learners to access content and learning (and create content) using their own devices.

I do like the content and it would appear that the learners like the content as well.

I did mention in the presentation about the rumours of new OS X based iPods, these may be wireless and may have browser capability. We should know by about 7pm tonight.

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